In the Beginning...
In June of 1996, webmaster Datubes began the very first NFL WebRing on the planet... the NFL Teams WebRing. After three very successful years of helping pro football fans all over the world promote their websites, Datubes resigned his post as Ringmaster in 1999 due to time constraints. At one time, the NFL Teams WebRing had nearly 600 member sites and was one of the top 10 most-visited WebRings in the world.
The Torch is Passed...
In April of 2000, McMillen & Wife's Pittsburgh Steelers Extravaganza took over duties as Ringmaster of the NFL Teams Fan Ring and the name was changed to "The Original NFL Fan Ring." Along with the new name came a new look and a new philosophy... that less is more, and quality triumphs over quantity. After a review of each of the 288 sites that remained in the Ring at that time, only a fraction were found to meet the new NFL Fan Ring content criteria... the remaining sites were removed from the Ring.
The Charter Members
A WebRing is only as good as its member sites. The charter members for this ring (listed below in no particular order) are the handful of original member sites who remained after the April, 2000 purge... all are outstanding sites. I speak from personal experience when I say that the pages listed below served as the foundation for what I (and many other webmasters out there) referenced to model our own websites after. Thanks, guys.
McMillen & Wife's Pittsburgh Steelers Extravaganza
FinHeaven & Co.
A View from the Pound
Mike's Steeler Gridiron
Keepers of the Totem
The Unofficial Steelers Online FanClub
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