Proper Banner Placement

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The Integrity of the Ring Depends on YOU!
Proper placement of your banner (along with making sure you've correctly installed the html code) is crucial to preserving the integrity of the Ring. There are four all-important rules you MUST follow to become/remain a member of the Ring:

1. Your Banner Must be at the Proper URL
Your Steelers Fan Ring banner MUST be installed on the exact URL that you are linked to from the Ring. Moving the banner to another page on your site is unacceptable and will break the integrity of the Ring, resulting in the removal of your site from the Ring. Members needing to change the URL that the Fan Ring links to can do so from Edit Site Content.

2. Make sure to change your name and e-mail in your banner html fragment.
The html fragment you will be sent upon joining needs only one small alteration... you must enter your email address and name in the code. Otherwise, your banner will read "Site owned by Your Name Here".

3. IMPORTANT! Upload the Specified Images to Your Server!
In addition to adding the banner code to your site, you will need to save and then upload the following images to your site server (failure to do so will cause broken images in your Ring banner).

4. Do Not Alter the Ring Banner without Consent
Remember, the Fan Ring banner is a symbol of excellence that belongs to ALL member sites. Alteration of any kind to the html code, graphics, etc. is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the Steelers Fan Ring. Sites in violation of this policy may be removed from the Ring without prior notice.

Still Having Problems? Don't Panic...
If you have any problems or questions concerning your banner code or the Fan Ring in general, please don't hesitate to drop us a line... we'll be glad to help!

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