In the Beginning...
In May of 1997, webmaster Brian York (webmaster of the now defunct Yorksite Pittsburgh Steelers Page) began the very first Steelers WebRing in the world... the Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Ring. After two very successful years of helping Steelers fans all over the world promote their websites, Brian resigned his post as Ringmaster in May of 1999 due to time constraints. Brian's commitment to excellence in the original development of the Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Ring has made it the best Steelers fan ring in the world.
The Torch is Passed...
In May of 1999, McMillen & Wife's Pittsburgh Steelers Extravaganza took over duties as Ringmaster of the Steelers Fan Ring. Aside from the new look, few changes have been made to the original content of the site. We will strive to maintain the high standard that founder Brian York set.
The Charter Members
A WebRing is only as good as its member sites. The charter members for this ring (listed below in the order they joined) are those sites who joined before May 31, 1997... all are outstanding sites. I speak from personal experience when I say that the pages listed below served as the foundation for what I (and many other Steeler webmasters out there) referenced to model our own websites after. Thanks, guys.
The Yorksite Pittsburgh Steelers Page (No longer active)
Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Club of Gwinnett
The Ultimate Fan Handbook
The Steeler Gallery (No longer active)
Boogeyman's Steeler Page (No longer active)
The Ultimate Steeler Fan Site
Sauron's Pittsburgh Steelers
The Steeler Connection
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